I went back to the mashup I've used before to see if it had improved any. Called retievr, it lets you choose a color and draw a shape. It then matches what you drew with Flickr photos. It is still pretty ineffective.
I went to check out Montager, but there was a warning that it may crash your browser. I'll try something else.

out this lush purple. It is by eason at
http://www.flickr.com/photos/eason/35585494/sizes/s/in/pool-31917163@N00/. I found it using the color fields color pickr. If you're into color, go here! There is also a slide bar that allows you to adjust brightness. But, the great thing is that there is a slew of categories to pick your images from.
is one, by funkandjazz
http://www.flickr.com/photos/phunk/6173317/sizes/s/in/pool-49503134345@N01/http://www.flickr.com/photos/phunk/6173317/sizes/s/in/pool-49503134345@N01/ , is from graffiti. ( A few Google ads along the side might be useful to those who need graffiti removal services. Ha!)
I just spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME on findr. This site groups together photos by tags. For example, I picked Tokyo and then narrowed it to Tokyo + Harajuku, then narrowed it to Tokyo + Harajuku + portrait. I got some wild photos, but I gave up looking for one that could be shared. This is addicting! Frustrating, but addicting!
Then there are your truly useless mashups, like clockr. Wait! I take that back! At first the numbers weren't changing, but now they are. Still useless, but cool.

by spell with flickr
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